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Planting by the Stars







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Effect on plants -

Named Issues
Corn ear worm (201)
Fruit set (7)
Potato yields (442)
General Appearance
To take up calcium-503 & 505 evening, 506 morning. (7)
To lift nitrogen-502, 503, 504, 505 evening; 505, 506, 507, 508 morning. (7)
To take up potassium-502 evening, 506 morning (7)
During the 1994 growing season, I tried a seed bath slurry for the potatoes composed of potentised 500 and Barrel Compost stirred together with clay in which I dipped the seed pieces shortly before planting.... Almost as an after thought, I also added so 506, dandelion preparation, to the slurry mixture. At harvest time the two rows produced at least as many potatoes as I had previously harvested from 4 rows... For the 1995 growing season I again concocted a slurry of potentised 500, Barrel compost and 506 stirred together with clay and wood ash. (The latter ingredient probably lead to an increase in scab problems, so I would leave it out in the future.) The resultant yield in a side by side comparison of potatoes treated with a slurry containing the 506 versus one which included all ingredients except the dandelion preparation seems to offer further confirmation that this preparation may well influence an increase in yield. Exact figures of weight differences are not available at this time, but I can state that a minimum yield increase would be 30% more potatoes. This particular sample was with the variety Pontiac and another effort with the variety Kennebec was less conclusive because of overall lower yield and inaccurate marking and recording of the rows. (442)
Stem/trunk and bark - capillary system
Stimulates the silica process in the soil, which in turn imparts it to the [wheat] plants, enabling them to attract to themselves sufficient silica for their needs (295)
To induce flower & fruiting-504 evening, with 506 & 507 next morning. (7)
Generative organs
it enhances the action of silica in the plant and also improves the quality of pollen (250)
Great for fruit set and fill. Improves size and appearance of fruit if used with BD 503 and horn clay. (7)
BD 507 ... for fruit set use with BD 506. (7)
To get calcium to fill fruit-503 in evening, followed by 506 in morning. (7)
To induce flower & fruiting-504 evening, with 506 & 507 next morning. (7)
... spraying a solution made from 506, the dandelion prep, on snowpeas. This preparation relates to Jupiter and the expansion of the fruit. Their results are shown in the figure. After only three days, the treated plants were showing more pods. After two weeks, the cumulative yield had increased by about a factor of two.
(Applied Biodynamics, #34, Fall, 2001). (313)
I had bushes growing in the garden ... and noting that they didn't seem to be setting hardly ANY fruit. "Well, we can sure fix that!" I said. "Let's just give 'em some 506." He half filled our little 6 litre pump up spray tank with water and I got my Prue radionic box and my BD cards. I put 506 in one slot and 508 in the other and gave it 5 minutes with the wire from the box into the sprayer at 15x. Then we sprayed. Come Thursday evening of that week we were looking at them again after work. (That was Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday--5 days.) "Geez, look at all the fruit they've set!" He said. For sure, they had set fruit like mad and tomatoes from marble size to BB size were popping out all over. If you want blossoms, use 507. If you want silica and potassium for fruit, 506. (7)
I believe the best way for anyone to get a handle on this stuff is to play with potentised single preps on some annual plantings that dont matter - and just observe - I bet you will be amazed at what happens - (we regularly use 506 prep to set fruit on tomatoes etcetera - so easy and effective!) (23-4-10) (58)
Several years ago in a 'seat of the pants' seed bath experiment with corn (maize) which I never replicated, I felt that I obtained the best results with the plot that had been treated with a combination of preparation 501 and 506. That particular plot had a higher yield and almost no corn ear worm damage in comparison to the several other plots that had a variety of different treatments. (201)
Notes and Academic Papers
This preparation will help the ego (& Astral) to enter more strongly into the physical realm. (48)
BD 506: Works with silica and potassium. Great for fruit set and fill. Improves size and appearance of fruit if used with BD 503 and horn clay. (7)
increases the plant's nutritional value (250)

Effect on Soil -

Soil characterisation
Soil surface
Top soil
Sub soil
Notes and Academic Papers
Plants become sentient, become sensitive, develop a kind of sense, a listening sense. [a plant] becomes sensitive to mineral substances. (26)
The right relationship between silica and potassium in the soil is encouraged. (34)

Effects on compost and manure -



Heap surface
Inner heap
Notes and Academic Papers
This preparation will help the ego (& Astral) to enter more strongly into the physical realm. (48)
BD 506: Works with silica and potassium. Great for fruit set and fill. Improves size and appearance of fruit if used with BD 503 and horn clay. (7)
increases the plant's nutritional value (250)
It is then explained that these surroundings do not merely extend to the root-filled soil around the single plant, but reach much further. This initially mysterious statement can be explained using current scientific knowledge about the symbiosis of plant roots and mycorrhizal fungi, which act as extensions to the root system and can link plants together over long distances. This network of fungal cells supplies plants with water and mineral salts in exchange for their sugars. the dandelion is given the ability to draw silicic acid out of the cosmos. The dandelion preparation is then able, via the compost and manure, to give the plants being cultivated the ability to find the substances that it needs for healthy growth in the soil and wider environment..... This as yet poorly developed sense organ can be completely blunted by the application of mineral fertilisers. But it can also be trained and become ever more active through the cumulative effect of the preparations we have been referring to here. And that is what it is about. Each and every one of the preparations bears the potential for developing the sensory organisation of the plant and thereby enhancing sensitivity towards substances and forces. (1565)

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