Fire Blight Erwinia Amylovora

A specific issue? ...
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Joined: 28 Jul 2009, 02:12

Fire Blight Erwinia Amylovora

Post by Marlaina »

Greetings Everyone,

I am new to this forum and I love horticulture. I have a homeopathic pharmacy and I'd like to use it for plants too.

Has anyone had any success treating fire blight with homeopathy? My neighbor has a apricot tree in distress, and I would like to help her.

Thank you
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Joined: 12 Jan 2006, 11:26
Location: Forest of Dean, UK

Post by Mark »

Hi Marlaina

I've not treated this before. Some suggestions from the tiny amount we have accumulated so far: you could try Apple majic which has been suggested to be a general or constitutional for apples. Biplantol originally worked with the tissue salts and BD preparations and came up with Biplantol Contra. The rest of the list that come up on a search for apple are:

All-c. Allium Cepa
Calc. Calcarea Carbonica
Coch. Cochlearia Armoracia
Lap-a. Lapis Albus
Zinc. Zincum Metallicum
Kali-pm Kali Permanganicum
BDM - TM ThermoMax or TM
BiP - C2 Biplantol contra x2
BD501 501
Maj-AM Apple Majic

It might be worth looking through them. Let us know how you get on.
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