Links to Glen's articles in which these things are discussed

Dr Steiner started the ball rolling with a way to understand nematodes and with a BD way to resolve that issue. With Glen and Bernie's understanding of the preparations in BD terms we may have what we need to get this discussion rolling. (New in Feb 2024)
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Links to Glen's articles in which these things are discussed

Post by Mark »

Although this perspective has grown throughout Glen's prolific work and educational output the following seem particularly focussed here.

The Double Planetary activity and the Constellations

Energetic Activities

Energetic Plant Growth Dr Rudolf Steiner edited by Glen Atkinson (PhD)
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Re: Links to Glen's articles in which these things are discussed

Post by Mark »

A particularly clear and fairly early statement of this approach can be found here with the process and inputs outlined.

"While giving the making process of the preparations, RS also outlined the basic effects of each preparation. He also gave some of the chemical processes that occur in each. In two cases, he indicated the influence a preparation has on the spiritual bodies. However, he did not extend this to all of them. As this is an important aspect of the overall thrust of this work, I have made an initial attempt at extending the interpretation of each preparation to include their spiritual activity. A summary follows:"
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