Indore Radishes

Research publications concerning biodynamics
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Indore Radishes

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Effect of biodynamic package with azotobacter on growth, yield, quality and economics of radish (Raphanus sativus L.)

Ruchika, Swati Barche, Anvita Sharma, Aarti Rathore and Yogendra

A field experiment was conducted to assess the impact on growth, yield, quality and economics of
Radish at Research farm, College of Agriculture, Indore (M.P.) during Rabi season 2022-2023 in RBD
with 3 replications. For meet up the demand, 6 treatments viz. T1: Biodynamic preparation 500 (BD-
500) @ 5.0g/litre, T2: Biodynamic preparation 501 (BD-501) @ 5.0 g/litre, T3: Biofertilizer
Azotobactor @ 5 ml/litre, T4: BD 500 @ 5.0 g + Azotobactor @ 5 ml/litre, T5: BD 501 @ 5.0 g +
Azotobactor @ 5 ml/litre, T6: BD 500 @ 5.0 g + BD 501 @ 5.0 g + Azotobactor @ 5 ml/litre, and T0:
Control were used The results revealed that combination of BD 500 @ 5.0 g + BD 501 @ 5.0 g +
Azotobactor @ 5 ml/litre was the best among all the treatments for most of the growth and yield
parameters under study and gave highest net return and B: C ratio. Thus, it can be concluded that the
biofertlizer (Azotobacter) and biodynamic approach are an advantageous source of nutrients for Radish.
Keywords: Biodynamic approach, biofertilizer, radish and growth parameters