Fig wax scale

A specific issue? ...
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Posts: 1953
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Location: Forest of Dean, UK

Fig wax scale

Post by Mark »

Occasionally I get requests for a suggestion for a particular agricultural issue. I usually point people to the materia medica and repertory.

However, since the requests keep coming in I thought it best to transfer them to the forum so everyone can have a go.

Below was the latest question. If you can help do 'reply', and if you try any of the remedies please let us know - both here and on the materia medica - how you get on. Thanks

"I have Fig Wax Scale on my fig tree (Ceroplastes Rusci). Has any one a remedy for this?
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Posts: 1953
Joined: 12 Jan 2006, 11:26
Location: Forest of Dean, UK

Post by Mark »

Site Admin
Posts: 1953
Joined: 12 Jan 2006, 11:26
Location: Forest of Dean, UK

Post by Mark »

I have recently added suggestions from Maute's book and the suggestions are now increased to....:

All-c. Allium Cepa
Coc-c. Coccus Cacti
Thuj. Thuja Occidentalis
Ric Ricinus Communis
BDM - KP Kiwifruit Peppers
BiP - C2 Biplantol contra x2
Petr. Petroleum
Psor. Psorinum
Shellac Shellac
Cupr. Cuprum Metallicum
Sil. Silicea
Sulph. Sulphur
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