Homeopathy for ToMV (Tomatoes Mosaic Virus)

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Homeopathy for ToMV (Tomatoes Mosaic Virus)

Post by roneshet »

Hi there,
I'm looking for info regarding Homeopathy treatment for tomatoes infected with ToMV.
I'm a practicing homeopath. My brother is a farmer growing mainly tomatoes.
I thought I'll give it a try.
Any insights? What to look for? Remedies, potencies, length and mode of treatment?
What is your experience with that?

Thanks in advance,

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Re: Homeopathy for ToMV (Tomatoes Mosaic Virus)

Post by Mark »

Hello Ron

If you were to put 'Mosaic' into the search box of the materia medica (http://www.considera.org/hrxmatmed.php?page=search) you'd get the following:

Lact-ac. Lactic Acid
Lap-a. Lapis Albus
Sal-ac. Salicylicum Acidum
Thuj. Thuja Occidentalis
Nat sal Natrum Salicylicum
Oci-bas Ocymum Minimum / Basilicum
Gels. Gelsemium Sempervirens
Nux-v. Nux Vomica

Personally I have not had this issue so I cannot give you my personal experience.

You could also communicate with Radko Tichavsky as the plant doctor at hpathy.com. Is suspect he will have some other options for you.

If you try some of these please feed back to us.


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Re: Homeopathy for ToMV (Tomatoes Mosaic Virus)

Post by roneshet »

Dear Mark,
Thanks for your answer, I will try to contact Radko.
I did look at the MM suggestion, but have no idea on how to DD them.

Will surely post conclusions once I have any.


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Re: Homeopathy for ToMV (Tomatoes Mosaic Virus)

Post by Mark »

DD them??

I don't understand what that means.
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Re: Homeopathy for ToMV (Tomatoes Mosaic Virus)

Post by roneshet »

Sorry for the misunderstanding.
DD = differential diagnosis
To decide which remedy to choose according to the totality of symptoms (since I have no experience in treating plants).

Thanks -
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Re: Homeopathy for ToMV (Tomatoes Mosaic Virus)

Post by Mark »

Ahhh, that DD. Well the theory is the same as for the human DD. However, as my business partner used to remind me, 'In theory, theory and practice are the same thing. in practice they're not.' And that's relevant here because we're a couple of hundred years behind the human materia medica so we have the merest outline and a bit of gentle shading, and we don't even know how reliable that is! That being said it is what we have got and sometimes it even does the job.

All that's a longer way of saying 'good luck and report back' so that we have a few more distinguishing features to work with the next time someone is hoping to deal with TmV.
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Re: Homeopathy for ToMV (Tomatoes Mosaic Virus)

Post by roneshet »

Dear Mark,
I just gave him a remedy for a newly planted field.

I will share conclusions once I have any.

Best regards,

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