A trial

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A trial

Post by Mark »

A trial of agrohomeopathic remedies

"I set up an experiement, testing 8 different remedies:

1) Natrum Muriaticum 2) Silica 3) Calcium Carbonate 4) Rose Quartz Essence 5) Yellow 6) Golden Spiral 7) Emerald 8) Plain old tap water

A 30c pillule was added to a sterilised jar containing the same amount of tap water for each. I planted a tray of sugar snap pea seeds - they grow straight and tall, and so give an indication fairly quickly of how well the seedlings are growing. I planted 5 seedling pots for each remedy, with the same amount of compost. 10ml of the potentised water was given to each seedling pot every day.

The results were brilliant - and this is something you can try yourselves at home.

Here is a video explaining what I found - not just in terms of which remedies support strong stem growth, but also, which ones encouraged healthy root growth. Heathy root growth is crucial to being able to grow nutrient rich foods that have absorbed minerals from the soil through those roots.

I have developed my own gardening mix of remedies that support healthy plant growth, but also help the plants cleanse pollution in the tap water and air.

This is my magic mix:

Golden Spiral, Rose Quartz Essence, Nat Mur, Rainbow, Obsidian, Rad brom. All 30c. I get mine combined at Helios homeopathic pharmacy. Then I just put a couple of pillules in a watering can and off we go!

Plants love homeopathy, and thrive on it just as much as we humans do. Happy gardening! Love Danica x"