Enzo on the Preparations

Dr Steiner started the ball rolling with a way to understand nematodes and with a BD way to resolve that issue. With Glen and Bernie's understanding of the preparations in BD terms we may have what we need to get this discussion rolling. (New in Feb 2024)
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Enzo on the Preparations

Post by Mark »

Enzo Nasati's 'Commentary on the Dr Steiner's Agriculture Course' doesn't fit the simplest answers to what the preparations do to harmonise the four bodies - ego astral etheric and physical. Rather, in that excellent publication, he finishes each section on the preparations with his take on what each preparations does at each of those levels. Here is a short series on those takes / assertions / indications.

One of those assertions is that: "We wish to point out that the successive preparations show an extraordinary logic. The first, 502, is the preparation that creates a link with the life of the most distant cosmos. 503 enables the humus to bear the forces of life. Finally if the humus has excesses the nettle within 504 is capable of putting it into order. This may be understood as a series of interventions in which the next preparation completes the task of the previous one and sets the scene for the succeeding one, through the lifetime of the plant and supporting all phases of development until the maturity of the fruit and seed. At each stage of development the plant undergoes a metamorphosis that includes a transmutation of substances and all these transformations can follow each other with harmony and balance thanks to the support of the preparations." (p185)

Or: "We already know horn-manure or 500 that embraces the terrestrial sphere, and its complement, horn-silica or 501 that embraces the cosmic sphere. 502 or yarrow (linked to Venus) is the bearer of forces related to the Earth element and 503 or chamomile (tied to Mercury) is the bearer of forces of vigour and is tied to the Water element. 504 or nettle (tied to Mars) brings the impulse to the ascending sap after having put the lower sphere in order." (p190)
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Enzo on 502: yarrow

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"In the animal and human worlds, yarrow is able to improve everything that stems from a weakness of astral body. This ability derives from its connection with Venus and with the Virgin. Let us not forget that our astral body has a point of connection with the physical body in the kidneys which are the bearers of the forces of Venus within us." Commentary p175

"In this drawing is the whole history of humanity and in the middle is the 502, the preparation that opens the door between Heaven and Earth, between macrocosm and microcosm... When we put a seed in the soil the yarrow preparation allows the ancestral archetypal force (spiritual principle) and the idea (soul force) to approach fully and to manifest completely in the plant that will emerge. The yarrow, in other words, is the door of life from the point of view both of the substance and the form. ... A full understanding of this preparation requires, however, a grasp of at least four points of view. The preparation of yarrow, seen in its connection with potassium, acts on the physical level on the roots and supporting tissues bringing a vertical impulse in the woody part of the plant. From this point of view all the plants that are unable to carry themselves such as the vine and cucurbits betray a lack of these forces. We have said that yarrow is linked to Venus that acts on the physical level in cellular nutrition and maximising the impact of food. On the etheric level 502 favours the whole cosmic nutrition of the soil. In this sense it is more associated to Mercury II, the formative forces of vortices. On the astral plane it promotes flowering. 502 is the basis of the homeodynamic product that we called ‘Pro Flowering’. On this level the descent of the idea into the seed is also favored. On the spiritual level 502 connects the plant with its Ego Group." Commentary p178-9

In 502 the significant influence of potassium was to establish a link with the cosmos - with the assistance of sulphur. (p197)
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Enzo on 503: chamomile

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Thus Chamomile, because of the fact that it also contains calcium, is in a position to absorb any excess astrality brought in by yarrow and enable the plant to fulfill its vegetative role. (Commentary to the Agriculture Course p182).

On the physical plane it activates the calcium process. This process works by reinforcing the etheric and making stable nitrogen. The consequence on the physical level of these actions is a greater growth of plants (Venus) and an enhanced cell division (Mercury). (Commentary to the Agriculture Course p183).

On the etheric plane the chamomile preparation eases communication between the diffuse Life we know as Zoe and incarnated life (Bios). In other words this preparation refers to the etheric sphere of Jupiter and connects it to the soil. (Commentary to the Agriculture Course p183).

chamomile regulates the astrality in the soil,... On the astral plane the chamomile preparation acts to block the momentum of the plant to bolt to seed, that is to jump into the sphere tinged with astrality, and this is due to the powerful etheric which it develops. (Commentary to the Agriculture Course p184).

It facilitates the connection between the group I of the plant with its (ideal) centre in the Earth, namely with the seat of consciousness of all group I’s. (Commentary to the Agriculture Course p184).

For 503, which is used to stimulate vigour and therefore the organic facet of life, it was important to establish links with both potassium and calcium. (p194)
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Enzo on 504: nettle

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We have often said that the action of the spirit upon the etheric determines the state of the immune system. The radiation of iron can lead the impulse of the spiritual life to the different organs. The nettle, a plant, has the capacity to carry the spiritual life in the plant kingdom and we know now that the spiritual element in the plant kingdom is represented by the group I. (p184)

.. if the humus has excesses the nettle within 504 is capable of putting it into order. (p185)

The nettle follows the work of the chamomile. If the chamomile has brought life into the soil and has supported the part of the plant linked to water, the nettle brings the plant the impetus to overcome the vegetative stage and to rise vertically. So if the plant shows signs of the problems caused by excessive earthly vigour (excess of humus, of water, or of manure) nettle is potentially able to bring remediation. Not surprisingly the nettle preparation is the main ingredient of our preparation ‘Antilodging’. This problem, especially in cereals, is caused by a weakness of the base of the plant and the loss of elasticity brought about by excessive vigour, often caused by over-abundant nitrogen fertilising. (p186)

nettle is linked to the ascending sap, corresponding to the arterial circulation which - if it does not play its role properly - will not allow the I to fully express itself. (p187)

- On the physical level it brings verticality, gives structure and puts order in the soil’s organic matter (action related to Saturn)
- On the etheric level it brings order to the vegetative force and pushes this to rise towards the top of the plant where they will support the nutritional value, transforming its impulse into quantity and quality. The rise of lettuce as it moves to flower and the lifting of wheat are examples of the forces of nettle, which can then be used as a remedy when these developmental stages are deficient.
- On the astral plane it frees the soil from the excessive presence of iron. This influence is on the astral plane because the excessive iron is a too strong link with Mars, causing a gesture of closing in upon itself and consequently hinders the rise of sap, which cannot reach and feed the more astral top of the plant.
- On the spiritual level, nettle individualises the ground for each plant and thus promotes the connection with his Group I.(p187)

the nettle, as well as bringing order in the metabolic sphere, carries the impulse to verticality and with that the transition to flowering. (190)
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Enzo on 505: oak bark

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the forces of vigour should not rise to the flower as they are in the metabolic sphere, because the forces of vigour only stimulate the constructive processes that are called ‘anabolic’ in biological sciences. At the top of the plant catabolic processes must dominate and these bring in ‘destructive’ processes. What rises from the lower pole of the plant must be transformed. We could picture to ourselves that the forces must pass the scrutiny of a ‘guardian’ who only lets the vegetative forces pass that are ready for transformation into quality. This is accomplished by the oak bark preparation. (p190)

[050] brings a healing impulse that acts as a brake upon excessive vegetative forces by regulating their ‘ascent’ to the upper parts of the plant.(p190)

The oak-bark preparation is able to control the forces of the lower part of the plant and to prevent the ascent of tumultuous processes, caused by over-fertilisation or immature lifeless manure and foetid (astralised) manure, all of which are often recommended by those who deal with organic farming. (p191)

dampens down excessive vigour (p191)

the oak-bark preparation .. is the first in the sequence of preparations that draws in cosmic forces and we could say that it is this that allows organising beings of the cosmos to work upon plants. (p192)

505 helps to convey the forces of silica down the plant. However, 505 is not sufficient to attract them from the cosmos. (p194)

- on the physical plane, it reorganises the land from excessive ethericity;
- on the etheric plane, it orders the vegetative forces and removes the excess. One could also say that it acts against hypertrophication and therefore constitutes a prophylactic measure against fungal diseases;
- on the astral plane, it promotes the transformation of vegetative forces into nutritional value:
- on the spiritual level, the plant prepares its excarnative or catabolic processes.
At the level of the sacraments for the Earth, 505 represents Confirmation. (p194)
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Enzo on 506: dandelion

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... the preparation based upon the dandelion develops its main influence in the region of the flower that we have always linked to the Air element. We also know that the chemical element associated with Air is nitrogen. Just now we stated that 506 is the preparation that promotes nutrition from the far distances of the universe. (p198)

- on the physical level, it enhances the action of silica in the plant and also improves the quality of pollen;
- on the etheric level it increases the plant’s nutritional value;
- on the astral plane it connects the plant with the edge of the universe;
- on a spiritual level, allowing the plant to connect with its associated planet and thus with its group I.
At the level of an Earth sacrament the 506 corresponds to marriage.(p198)
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Enzo on 507: valerian

Post by Mark »

• on the physical level, it brings warmth and increases the resistance of plants to the cold. Our ‘Pro heat’ is made with valerian and the drone (the bee is linked to the world of the dandelion). The Valerian is a great activator for many processes;
• in etheric terms it moves the warmth ether. On this level Valerian acts in a special way on making the root able to connect with the cosmos, or in different terms, it allows the cosmic forms to enter the plant. Our ‘root plus’ contains Valerian and oakbark;
• on the astral plane, it brings resistance to cold providing the impetus to continue to live despite the contrast represented by cold;
• on a spiritual level, it connects the plant with the I consciousness in the centre of the Earth.
At the level of an earthly sacrament valerian is the extreme unction. (p200)
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