Personal connections in France

Research publications concerning biodynamics
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Personal connections in France

Post by Mark »

Quand les actes agricoles sont au care et au compagnonnage : L’exemple de la biodynamie

Abstract : This paper extends the analysis of the breaking of the materialistic relations
between humans and animals to the vegetals. To do so, theories about care and plant
turn are confronted with our field datas about biodynamic wine growing in France. We
want to show that sensitive relations of care and companionship towards agricultural
plants are not only posible far away from the western world. Indeed, recognizing a
certain agentivity of the plants, comunicating in specific ways with them, and more
broadly, the bluring of the ontological diferenciation with agriculture vegetable are
behaviours that one can also observe « at home », in western countries.

Keywords : care, companionship, wine, biodynamic agriculture, vegetal