Increase in grain production with Indian preps

Research publications concerning biodynamics
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Increase in grain production with Indian preps

Post by Mark »

Optimizing bio-organic preparations and Sharbati wheat varieties for higher organic wheat productivity and profitability

In JNKVV, Jabalpur, a research was conducted to examine the effects of
biodynamic preparations in the context of comparisons of conventional,
organic, and biodynamic systems and varied varieties of wheat. Seven
BOP (bio-organic preparations) served as the treatments of main plot for
the experiment's split plot design, while four different wheat varieties
served as the sub plot treatments, each of which was replicated thrice.

Observations based on plant population, various crop’s growth studies
were noted at the 30, 60, 90 DAS and at the harvest. However, the crop
growth rate (CGR), relative growth rate (RGR) and net assimilation rate
(NAR) was computed at 30-60 and 60-90 days intervals. The yield
attributing characteristics viz., length of ear head, number of effective
tillers per meter square, no. of grains per ear head, weight of grains per
ear head, and the test weight and finally grain and straw’s yield were
recorded at harvest. Finally, the economic viability of treatments were
determined in the terms of gross monetary returns, cost cultivation, net
monetary returns and benefit- cost BC ratio on the per hectare area basis.

Data pertaining to the various parameters subjected to the statistical
analysis for the interpretation of the results. The combined application of
BD500+BD501+P+VC was succeeded by P+VC and
BD500+BD501+VC, gave a notable increase of 22.29, 18.26, and 6.38
per cent on grain yield of wheat over the sole application of BD500,
BD501, and P each with VC. Considerably higher grain (2462.18 kg per
ha) and straw yields (3149.88 kg per ha), including harvest index (HI)
(43.73). In terms of profitability, BD500+BD501+P+VC was superior to
BD: 500+BD: 501+VC and P+VC. Aside from that, it was noted that the
use of BD-500+BD-501 or P+VC in JW-3020 and HW-2004 as well as
BD500+BD-01+P or P+VC in C-306 and Sujata stood more lucrative.

Keywords: Bio-dynamic preparations, vermicompost, Panchgavya, Sharbati wheat, organic nutrient management