November 24 Mailout

Instructions and administrative miscellany.
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November 24 Mailout

Post by Mark »

(I'm very sorry if you get this more than once - just me getting to grips with software. Sorry. Mark)

Considera: November 2024

Considera continues to champion non-polluting preparations for agriculture through citizen-science.

The last time we reported was April 2023. Since then most of our energy has been focussed on published works. The obvious impact of this can be found in the literature section which, at the time of writing, has swollen to over 1800 publications. That's an unwieldy library so we have added the means to search for keywords &/or subject, and to sort the results alphabetically or chronologically and by peer-review status. The vast majority of entries link to the original document.

The less obvious but harder-won treasure is the practical results that have been mined from all these publications and put in the materia medica and repertory. Practicality has always been our goal and we sure hope that this assists you all to find the best non-toxic preparation to address the issues that you face in your farms, gardens and orchards.

The richest and relatively untapped seam remains the experiences of those who try the preparations on the their land. Please do join in: find a likely preparation for the issues you face, apply it and report the impact. Each experience contributes to the wider development of safer agriculture only if shared and collated. It's a worthwhile goal.

Everything Considera does is unpaid – a labour of love. However, thanks to a very welcome grant from the ASinGB, we have been able to hire Macky to bring Considera up to date - faster, more secure and responsive for small screens.

The logo of the Considera project is in the top left of every web page - or above the menu on phones. This describes our approach and links you to our sister sites where the preparations (for Europe) and publications are made available.
