Biodynamic Research

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Posts: 1887
Joined: 12 Jan 2006, 11:26
Location: Forest of Dean, UK

Biodynamic Research

Post by Mark »

I have posted an article which puts the ideas behind Considera into a single image. Feedback welcome of course. This article sketches out a vision for Considera's future.

Whilst I'm at it I may as well link to the article about the past in the same posting.
Site Admin
Posts: 1887
Joined: 12 Jan 2006, 11:26
Location: Forest of Dean, UK

New Logo

Post by Mark »

So you will see that I have changed the logo on the site.

The old one - which can still be seen on the home page - was of a lily that I met in South West Wales. We went to see 'Big Brother Joe' and took him camping at a place where I had put in an innovative sewage system - a 'Dougal' which had been an Aquatron. Well, in a small courtyard the sunlight was coming through a beautiful stone arch and fell upon the two lilies. It was a beautiful day with the kids by the beach and this image will always remind me of Felin Hescwm at Dinas Cross. However, it takes a lot of black ink and is now probably best associated with Kaviraj's book so it's time to move on.

If you read the first article mentioned above you will find the origin of the new logo - and it gives me a chance to advertise my various endeavours from all sites.
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